Items that are in stock will be shipped within 7 to 10 working days. After the package has left our store, you will receive an email with the track & trace link of the delivery service of your order. Together we will do our utmost to ensure that your package is delivered as quickly as possible. delivered as quickly as possible.TRACK & TRACE To track your order, you will receive an email containing your personal Track & Trace code.With this code you can track your order on our delivery person's page and possibly schedule a delivery appointment on the 2nd attempt .CONDITIONS: - If you are not at home, orders will be delivered to the neighbors unless otherwise agreed. - It is important that you check whether your address and contact details have been entered correctly when placing your order.

PLEASE NOTE: You must receive your order personally. If you notice any damage on the packaging you have received, please open the packaging and check the product before signing. In the event of damage to your order, you must report this to the delivery person. The delivery person must wait until you receive it. product. After signing the delivery document and receiving your package, the transport company and/or Naaz Collection / are not liable in the event of damage.

If the recipient is not at home at the time of delivery, you will receive a message in your letterbox to schedule a new appointment. The package will usually be delivered again the next day. If you or the recipient are not present now, then you will receive a message in your letterbox and the package will be returned to our distribution center. If you would like to have the package redelivered, this is only possible upon payment of the associated shipping costs.